Training & Nutrition
We will show you the ins and outs of ketogenic dieting, whether your focus is fat loss, body recomposition, muscle gain or athletic performance we will be your mentors as you strive to meet those goals.
If you’re looking primarily at fat loss you will be taught how to manipulate the standard ketogenic diet – as well as teaching you about some advanced techniques that may serve you in the future. Looking for body recomposition and muscle/performance gains? We’ll guide you through putting those advanced techniques into practice.
Whether you are a beginner or you’re a seasoned low carber – our aim is to teach you 4 different techniques and show you how and when to put them to use.
You’ll have access to a training app where your workouts will be outlined for the six weeks. You will be given customised macros with ongoing tweaking as required as well as coaches checking over your food logs.
Optimise Your Performance & Body Composition
Some people experience a decline in their performance when switching to a Ketogenic Diet. Maybe their run times go down, strength in the gym decreases, or performance in their chosen sport declines. The advanced techniques you will learn will help you break through those barriers.
Please note: you will be required to exercise and access to workout equipment will be required. For the fat loss program, home accessories such as bands and kettlebells may suffice, however for the body recomposition variant we would expect you to have access to bench press, squat rack and barbell equipment. W

Jessica B
Jess lost 8kg during Winter Bootcamp, but amazingly lost over 20cm from her body. She hit some key excercise goals, learning how to squat and lunge effectively and has noticed an improvement in her cardio.“I feel a lot better overall but what I really learned was how well I respond to strictness. I enjoy the challenge and being part of a group.I have a long way to go to my goal weight, but I've enjoyed every minute of bootcamp!”
Jarrod D
Now 21.2KG down from Mid December, I’m well on the right path to my goal weight. Boot camp took what I had already learnt from this fab group and raised it ten fold. I really enjoyed the training and nutrition! The team environment and accountability showed in the groups results.

Candice C
I cannot thank the team enough. They gave me the knowledge and power to take back control of my weight and turn my life around. Their clear and consistent information and guidelines are like nothing I have encountered before and have helped to make me the healthiest and happiest I have been in my whole life!
- Willingness to commit and follow the program
- Access to a phone/computer & kitchen scales
- A Facebook profile is required to access and engage with the group
- Beginners: Access to a GYM, TRX or Suspension Rings
- Advanced: Full GYM Access and familiarity with equipment
- Please ensure any injuries are managed prior to signing up
- Lose Fat & Build Muscle
- Optimise Performance & Recovery
- Utilise Advanced Ketogenic Protocols
- Increase Fitness & Wellbeing
- Succeed in a team environment
- Learn how to perform at your best, when you need to